Manage (Feedlot specific)

Each pen has a pen type linked. You can edit or add pen types through this section. These pen types can be used to apply filters based on the pen types.
1.   New pen types can be added. The pen class can be chosen from a drop down list (Finishing, Growing, Calves, Developing, Yearlings, Hospital or Other). The name of a pen type can be chosen by the user
2.   An existing pen type can be changed. Both the pen class and the pen type name can be edited
3.   Pen types can only be deleted if they are not is use for any of the pens
Lot market types
1.   New Lot market types can be added. The lot market type class can be chosen from a drop down list (Domestic or Export). The name of a lot market type can be chosen by the user
2.   An existing lot market type can be changed. Both the lot market type class and the lot market type name can be edited
3.   Lot market types can only be deleted if they are not is use for any of the lots
Lot types
1.   New lot types can be added. The lot type class can be chosen from a drop down list (Calves, Yearlings, Growing and Finishing). The name of a lot type can be chosen by the user
2.   An existing lot type can be changed. Both the lot type class and the lot type name can be edited
3.   Lot types can only be deleted if they are not is use for any of the lots
In order to enter a lot, it is mandatory to enter a customer and optional to add a buyer. Through [MANAGE][CONTACTS] the contacts can be added, edited or removed. Each contact needs a name and the role of the contact needs to be determined. A contact can have multiple roles assigned to them.

Additional costs can be entered for the different lots. Cost types can be managed through [MANAGE][SETTINGS][Cost types]. The search bar can be used to search for a specific cost type. 
With the button ‘NEW COST TYPE’, a new cost type can be created. 
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1.       The cost type name is the name that is displayed in other overviews. 
2.       The charge type determines if the cost type can be applied for a lot or for a pen. 
3.       The ‘charge per’ can be either on animal, pen or lot. 
4.       The charge period indicates if it a reoccurring cost or if it is a one time cost. 
5.       The price is linked to the cost type and is used when the cost type is applied. This price is a default price. The price is not mandatory to enter. When entering the cost type for a lot or pen, the price can still be changed
Each cost type can be edited through the pencil symbol and can be deleted through the trash bin symbol. A cost type that was used cannot be deleted. When a cost type is no longer in used, the cost type can be edited and set to ‘not in use’.

Bunk reader pen order
Settings regarding the bunk reader can be found through [MANAGE][SETTINGS][Bunk reader pen order]. To choose the order that the bunk reader score is shown, the bunk reader pen order can be changed. 
Pens can also be added or removed from the bunk reader pen order through this screen.
To change, choose ‘edit’ and make the desired changes and click on ‘Save’.
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Bunk reader score settings
To configure the bunk reader, settings regarding the bunk reader scores can be setup through [MANGAGE][SETTINGS][Bunk reader score settings].
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1.       The bunk reader can adjust the feeding based on the daily requirement in percentage or on the actual weight. After this is chosen, the default score can be selected 
2.       When the Bunk reader is used, this value will be set as the default
3.       When bunk scores can be entered in the FEED app in the future, scores can be either processed automatically or manually
4.       Depending on how long the user wants to have the registered bunk reader scores to remain valid, the number of hours can be set here
5.       Depending on the ‘bunk reader adjustment’ that was chosen at step 1, the weight or percentage per score can be entered here
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