Additional costs

Lot costs
The lot costs overview shows all charges per lot that are currently being applied and have previously been applied. Lot costs can be added and edited through this area as well.
1.       The list with active lots is displayed on the left hand side. The search bar enables the user to search for a specific lot. Once a lot is selected, the detailed information regarding the lot costs is shown on the right side of the screen
2.       Information about the lot is shown at the top including customer, number of animals still on farm, the arrival date, the average weight in and the status of the lot (open, partially closed or closed). With the ‘+’ button, lot costs can be applied to the lot
3.       The entered lot costs are shown here and can be edited through the pencil symbol. By pressing on ‘show dates’, the details of the specific lot cost entry are shown
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1.       When editing the lot costs, the selected lot is displayed on the left hand side with corresponding details
2.       In the middle of the screen, the different lot costs are displayed. Previously entered lot costs are shown as well. Details for dates or time range are added for lot costs types that are entered. The default price of a lot costs can be changed as well
A note can be entered for each individual lot cost that is added to the lot. A lot cost can be removed from the lot, through the trash bin symbol
3.       Lot costs can be added by clicking on the ‘+’ button. The cost types shown here, are managed through [MANAGE][SETTINGS][Cost types]. With the button ‘CREATE NEW COST TYPE’, the user is automatically navigated to a window where a new lot cost can be entered
When a cost type is added to the lot, the date is set by default to today for the one time cost types and a calendar is opened for the cost types per day. In the calendar area, the transfers of the selected date are shown. By choosing ‘Apply before’, the cost will also apply on the transferred number of animals. When choosing ‘End of the day’, the cost will be applied after the transfers of that day 
When a certain lot cost type is already present for a lot, a new item can be added to the lot cost in the middle of the screen by clicking on the arrow
4.       The lot costs can be saved through ‘SAVE LOT COSTS’ or can be cancelled through ‘CANCEL’
Pen costs
The pen costs overview shows all charges per pen that are currently being applied and have previously been applied. Pen costs can be added and edited through this area as well.
1.       The list with active pens is displayed on the left hand side. The search bar enables the user to search for a specific pen. Once a pen is selected, the detailed information regarding the pen costs is shown on the left side of the screen
2.       With the ‘+’ button, pen costs can be applied to the pen
3.       The entered pen costs are shown here and can be edited through the pencil symbol. By pressing on ‘show dates’, the details of the specific pen cost entry are shown
1.       When editing the pen costs, the selected lot is displayed on the left hand side with corresponding details
2.       In the middle of the screen, the different pen costs are displayed. Previously entered pen costs are shown as well. Details for dates or time range are added for pen costs types that are entered. The default price of a lot costs can be changed as well
3.       Lot costs can be added by clicking on the ‘+’ button. The cost types shown here, are managed through [MANAGE][SETTINGS][Cost types]. With the button ‘CREATE NEW COST TYPE’, the user is automatically navigated to a window where a new pen cost can be entered
When a cost type is added to the pen, the date is set by default to today for the one time cost types and a calendar is opened for the cost types per day. In the calendar area, the transfers of the selected date are shown. By choosing ‘Apply before’, the cost will also apply on the transferred number of animals. When choosing ‘End of the day’, the cost will be applied after the transfers of that day .
When a certain pen cost type is already present for a lot, a new item can be added to the pen cost in the middle of the screen by clicking on the arrow
4.       The lot costs can be saved through ‘SAVE PEN COSTS’ or can be cancelled through ‘CANCEL’
Cost summary
The cost summary is a report that shows the costs for a lot over a selected period. 
1.       On the left hand side, the active lots are presented. The search bar can be used to search for specific lots. Once a lot is selected, detailed information regarding the costs of a lot are shown on the right side of the screen. 
To show closed lots in the list, deselect the tick box for ‘Hide closed lots’
2.       At the top of the screen, the general information is shown about the lot. This includes the customer and how many animals are still on the farm. The status of the lot (open, partially closed or closed) is displayed as well.
The time range for the data on the report can be set here as well. The time range is determined by the first arrival of a lot 
To download the report to pdf, xls or xlsx the download button can be used
3.       The lot costs are displayed by cost type that was entered. By default the details are collapsed and can be viewed by clicking on ‘show details’. Details will include the name, the charge type, charge per day or one time, what the time period was and what the applied costs were. The total costs and the total costs per head of a lot are displayed at the bottom of the screen. The total costs consist out of the feed costs and the total additional costs
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